The Wizard Of Zaar

During the migration
During the migration by @The-Wizard-of-Zaar (The Wizard Of Zaar)

This is a concept drawing of roughly how the Yashan appeared during their long on foot migration through the harsh and barren wastes in their journey to Avram.

They travelled on foot for what's believed to be almost a decade. They set off from the old West over a thousand in number, with their Sargari slaves perhaps numbering double that amount. In what were great caravans of tents, supplies and wealth on the backs of beasts of burden and their Sargari slaves.

However diminishing resources and comforts not only was felt by the Sargari, but also the Yashan themselves. Running out of wine and sweets, their clothes needing repair and they even held off the dying of their hair in order to conserve the roots and seeds of the plants they derived their scarlet dye from. They also found themselves learning to ration and cook food much akin to the impoverished Sargari. The two people's making and sharing meals such as Hondi/Hargesh, Lakan, berries and a pickled food akin to Sauer Kraut.

In this time the Yashan were certainly a more rugged and physically robust people, a more frugal and Conservative race than they are in the present day.

They also had a more amicable and cooperative relationship with the Sargari in these times.

This is perhaps the only time of genuine peace and even camaraderie between the so called Eternal Nation and the Tribe of Sarga.

There is now no more bitter and violent a hatred between the two than any other races in the world.

Rough / Concept
255d ago
Other Work By @The-Wizard-of-Zaar

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