El Thorvaldo Moderator

YCM-CityIOT by @Thorvald (El Thorvaldo)

When Sonereal challenged the IOT moderator BirdJaguar to a Children's Card Game, my first instinct was to reach for that batch of cards I'd made based on DYOS. A split-second later, I realized I should try my hand at a batch for IOT!

The first-and-only card of the never-published Second Batch; while CivOasis tried his hand at a number of different games, his most iconic series was the CityIOT threads. As the name implies, these followed the narrow scope of a municipality, with the players acting as individual characters. The concept itself was good; unfortunately, Oasis treated the game as running in 'real time', leading to poorly-communicated updates and dubiously-balanced orders that within under five turns had reduced the state of play to utter nonsense.

Created with www.yugiohcardmaker.net

[Originally submitted to Buzzly.art November 2021; [reuploaded to DeviantArt March 2022.]

Teen (V)
Finished Work
1y23d ago
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