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Language Packs, Volunteers, and Updates, oh my! - Started by: BadKarma
Language Packs, Volunteers, and Updates, oh my!
Posted: 10 Mar 2009, 06:35 PM

Greetings all,

Just a small update to let you know we're still working to give you the best we possibly can in Side 7! As always, your comments, questions and suggestions are always appreciated. You can submit them here:

Language Packs: In the effort to open the site to a much wider audience, we're looking to add language options in version 4.2. This is a far-reaching goal that will require a lot of work, as well as some volunteers. This will give each user the ability to select the language of choice, and all the static site text will be displayed in the selected language, as opposed to only English. This will require building a library all that content, and asking volunteers who natively speak foreign languages to give us translations of each entry in the library. Hopefully, we'll be able to get multiple foreign language speakers so that we can get cross-referenced and cross-checked work back, and no one can sneak in inappropriate language. >:)

So far, with the help of site analytics, we've been able to identify the top languages that people have their browsers set to: English, German, French, Spanish, Russian, Finnish, and Polish. We'd love to hear back from our users on any other languages they'd like to see featured on the site.

Volunteers: Volunteers are needed to help run events on Side 7! What events, you say? Why, the Weekly Challenges and Monthly Contests, I respond!

Just what are the Weekly Challenges? I'm glad you asked!

Weekly Challenges are an activity that we at Side 7 used to run (before we got sacked over the head with outside obligations that prevented us from running them on a regular basis). The challenges are designed to help artists break out of the box and try something new and, well, challenging! Once posted, anyone who wanted to participate could draw something that fit the challenge, and on the due date, all participants would post links to their entries. Comments and critiques of each others' works were invited, but not obligatory.

Monthly Contests were similar, but spanned a month's time. The contest would give each participant 3 weeks to submit their entry to a challenging topic. At the end of the three weeks, one week worth of voting would occur (in private), and the winner would be declared at the end of the month. Winners generally received a 2-month 5-Star upgrade.

What we need is one or two volunteers who would be willing to reliably run these two events. One person can do it, but two gives extra eyes, brains, and time to take care of things. If we have multiple volunteers, they will be working together on these events, so the ability to work with others is mandatory.

All volunteers would report directly to Bad Karma.

If you're interested, shoot Bad Karma an e-mail at or send him a Private Message (badkarma).

Updates: Work continues to progress on version 4.0.1. The full list of what's included in 4.0.1 is as follows: - Bug Fix: Auto-URL linking not working in all cases - Bug Fix: Sticky Threads not being included in the forums status icon display. - Bug Fix: Replies to comments aren't notifying the parent commenter and image owner. - Re-enable: Profile image management and uploading. - Re-enable: View Favourited Images - Re-enable: View Images w/ Comments

I hope this message finds you all well!

-- BK

native German speaker!
Posted: 11 Mar 2009, 01:42 AM

Hello there,

even though people have not yet really recognized me on this site since I am sort of new here, I do like Side7 much! Really a good work for a non-profit arts website!

I am native German speaker, and as you might guess, English is no problem. So translating works would be a very interesting task for me. I am very advanced in any kind of translation. Let me know if you will need me ^^

Posted: 11 Mar 2009, 07:27 AM

i COULD help with greek if you want, but I dont think it would be used... much

Posted: 11 Mar 2009, 12:17 PM

I'm french and used to translate as accurately as I can, and don't make a lot of mistakes (in my native language I mean XD) So I'm in!

Posted: 19 Mar 2009, 10:16 AM
Greetings all, Language Packs: In the effort to open the site to a much wider audience, we're looking to add language options in version 4.2. This is a far-reaching goal that will require a lot of work, as well as some volunteers. This will give each user the ability to select the language of choice, and all the static site text will be displayed in the selected language, as opposed to only English. This will require building a library all that content, and asking volunteers who natively speak foreign languages to give us translations of each entry in the library. Hopefully, we'll be able to get multiple foreign language speakers so that we can get cross-referenced and cross-checked work back, and no one can sneak in inappropriate language. >:) So far, with the help of site analytics, we've been able to identify the top languages that people have their browsers set to: English, German, French, Spanish, Russian, Finnish, and Polish. We'd love to hear back from our users on any other languages they'd like to see featured on the site. -- BK

Well, it is good to see to want to put "Language pack" for people that can't speak english, but what if someone who english goes to a gallery here with say... all spanish speaking and can't understand it. I don't speak in other languages but english.

Not to change the subject, but when goes to comment, I noticed the password "word challenge" is on there now, what's up with that? Is it because of spammers?

Posted: 19 Mar 2009, 12:18 PM
This post has been edited 1 time. Last edit on 19 Mar 2009, 12:19 PM.
Well, it is good to see to want to put "Language pack" for people that can't speak english, but what if someone who english goes to a gallery here with say... all spanish speaking and can't understand it. I don't speak in other languages but english.

The language settings will be how YOU see the language used on the site. However, we will have no control (and won't force control) over in what language someone posts the descriptions to their images, or information in their profile. This is an international site afterall, and people already post image descriptions in multiple languages (take Amiral Aesir as an example). The point of the language packs to allow users to choose in what language the standard site wording is.

Not to change the subject, but when goes to comment, I noticed the password "word challenge" is on there now, what's up with that? Is it because of spammers?

The CAPTCHA challenge is to fight against the spambots that were starting to attack the image commenting system and contact us system. It was already planned for a later release, but the appearance of the spammers really pushed that up, and proved a need for it.

-- BK

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