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cool edgy art - Started by: Camazotz
cool edgy art
Posted: 27 Jul 2023, 11:07 PM

Sane Inside Insanity by Kris Kitchens (@Spug) Have A Psychotic New Year by Kris Kitchens (@Spug) Where Is My Mind? by Andrea Paulik (@andrpaul) Here I Come!!!! by Adrian Reece (@Ginsu) (CW for gore and a severed head) Bloody Meal by Albert McDaniel (@albemcda) Death by Arline Young (@arliyoun) Megaman Trigger (Rokkuman Torika) "What Am I?" by Liz Ramirez (@LizSama) We are the people our parents warned us about by Ashley Tate (@Scryren)

RE: cool edgy art
Posted: 28 Jul 2023, 03:51 PM

Oh man, some of these arts were from 22 years ago? I was a wee baby back then. I wonder how the artists are doing.

RE: cool edgy art
Posted: 28 Jul 2023, 08:54 PM

Looks like I'm not the only one that's gone spelunking. :P

Side 7 is uniquely small enough, old enough, and consistent enough that going through the whole uploads history is like analyzing the geologic timeline of an ice core sample. It's pretty neat to see the way both art styles specifically and community psyche generally evolve with time and the advent of better digital tools—as well as shifting assumptions about technology itself. Back then, even the kids posting their Disney fanart channeled a certain prestige in having a Gallery; nowadays some professionals seem flippant in how they treat the platforms, as though galleries are an appendage to their Social Media Brand™ (not that the self-cannibalization of sites like dA and Twitter inspire one to dig in).

Oh man, some of these arts were from 22 years ago? I was a wee baby back then. I wonder how the artists are doing.

Truth be told, one of my biggest fears is that as S7 gains traction, some of these older users will swoop back in to wipe their archives as "cringe". I know at least one artist that fell off here in favour of dA, only to later pull the plug entirely, leaving these the only surviving copies.

RE: cool edgy art
Posted: 29 Jul 2023, 06:48 PM
Truth be told, one of my biggest fears is that as S7 gains traction, some of these older users will swoop back in to wipe their archives as "cringe". I know at least one artist that fell off here in favour of dA, only to later pull the plug entirely, leaving these the only surviving copies.

i had thought of archiving every single profile from the users directory in a web archive XD but that would take me a while

RE: cool edgy art
Posted: 29 Jul 2023, 06:50 PM
Oh man, some of these arts were from 22 years ago? I was a wee baby back then. I wonder how the artists are doing.

i wasn’t even born yet XD i found a user who is still active in their websites and they post AI art :’)

RE: cool edgy art
Posted: 29 Jul 2023, 09:09 PM
i had thought of archiving every single profile from the users directory in a web archive XD but that would take me a while

Presumably one can set up bots to scrape things automatically, though you'd want to consult with BK to make sure it a) can actually be done (some sites use scripts to blacklist bots) and b) won't overload the servers.

i found a user who is still active in their websites and they post AI art :’)

I've seen one artist (not here) that was great on their own but now exclusively churns out AI prompts. The techbros are one thing, but Quislings...

RE: cool edgy art
Posted: 29 Jul 2023, 11:37 PM

@BadKarma While we're on the subject of this old artwork. Hey, BK, I noticed that, when I pulled up these older works, my screen showed that I was logged out even though I remained logged in. I'm sure it's the difference in code between the newer parts of the site and the older stuff that had yet to change when these posts were made. I wasn't planning to comment or anything; I just thought I'd say something.

RE: cool edgy art
Posted: 30 Jul 2023, 04:47 PM
@BadKarma While we're on the subject of this old artwork. Hey, BK, I noticed that, when I pulled up these older works, my screen showed that I was logged out even though I remained logged in. I'm sure it's the difference in code between the newer parts of the site and the older stuff that had yet to change when these posts were made. I wasn't planning to comment or anything; I just thought I'd say something.

I'd noticed that too: it's the difference between and plain ol' As far as I can tell both roads lead to Rome, but your cookies don't cross over.

RE: cool edgy art
Posted: 30 Jul 2023, 09:24 PM

Yeah there was one artist I liked but they just post AI now and it has none of the flair they have. It feels like an artist has died or given up when that happens. Sucks.

And yeah may be the cookie header is set differently for www? It should cover the whole domain.

RE: cool edgy art
Posted: 07 Nov 2023, 05:16 PM
This post has been edited 1 time. Last edit on 13 Feb 2024, 04:51 AM.

I feel better that I'm archiving even my old edgy art to post on here, I hope the people who used to upload on here years ago are doing good in life now, at least. I really wish some DA artists aren't only just posting to DA and posting to other places online tbh.

2024 Edit: Scryren also doesn’t make art anymore, which is a bummer but I understand, she mostly makes photos from video games she plays now.

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