
Chaotic Victory
Chaotic Victory by @lynne (Lynne)

See, I CAN do traditional media, I just can't scan it! The paper was too large to scan all at once.. and then it didn't scan with color.. so I have re-added the blues and reds back into the piccy. Badly. It looks a lot better on paper. ._.;;

It is a mixed media; the two figures are shaded in marker and touched up with colored pencil; while the background is ink washes and conte crayon. The lightning and rain are in colored pencil.

Anyways, I did this today, it was inspired by a dream I had last night. The dream was not so dramatic-- you know how dreams are comprised less of images then of mentalities and feelings? That was how this was. There was no flashing of dramatic lights or wild posing or gesticulation. There was the just the sense of the power, the struggle for it, and the obvious victor.

In the picture I dramatized it because a picture is visual and must through visual means inspire its feelings. The picture seems to me to be a little representative of Order's futile struggle to contain and overcome Chaos. I am in the picture, as my Dragon self, and you will notice maybe that I look positively unruffled. As opposed to the wizard (it was Gandalf in my dream) who is wildly flinging lightning and stuff at me.

Let me describe the dream. It took place inside of this magnificent cathedral. I've dreamed about that cathedral before (only the last time in it; I went pipe organ hunting, got waylaid by KidK's dad, held candles up for Bast and Dai's wedding, and danced the Yufo with all the other wedding guests). This time, there was I think something more orderly, more solemn going on. It did not contain me, I flew throughout the giant space of the building, spiraling up among the arches and rebounding off the pews-- and yes I was flying, though I am not sure if I was Dragon or human in form at that point-- and I played the pipe organ, as well, since it was there in the church. Outside there was also a raging thunderstorm.

And it was the wizard, Gandalf in my dream, that was furious with me. Wanted me to stop flying, playing, etc... I don't know why. I don't know why it was Gandalf, either, but it was. I mean, I LIKE Gandalf so it's not like he is normally regarded as an opposition, in my mind. He raged at me, and I ignored him until the situation became so dire that he chased me up towards the top of the cathedral, in the choir loft or something I suppose, next to a huge round stained glass window... and there (I was human, at this point) proposed to throw me out onto the ground, hundreds of feet below.

Now I certainly did not wish this to happen and not once was I afraid of him despite all his power. In a very calm and measured sense I rebounded it when he pushed his power on me.. trying to fling me off, and destroy me, but without the least bit of excitement I pushed back with my own powers, fended off his attempts, and by this point, I was Dragon, because I cannot access that extreme calm or that extreme power as a human, and in dreams when I access it I automatically become Dragon.

I flung off his power easily and would've laughed but I only smiled, assured with myself, and then I leapt from the cathedral of my own accord--- and caught the stormy wind and flew up into the clouds. There was someone up there flying with me, too, guess who it was-- Ancalagon. KidK's Ancalagon, that is, not Tolkien's. 9.6 He is far larger than I am and more spiny and with more colors. But the two of us kicked up the storm and flew and played as much as we wanted. And that wizard could do nothing.. nothing! And I felt no desire to hurt him or get revenge, or anything like that, for trying. Because I knew that he couldn't and I was assured that he couldn't, and there was no need to make sure he didn't try again.

Overall, one of the coolest dreams I've ever had, until an Enting started talking to an Ent and I woke up to voices outside my window. 9.9;;

At any rate, this picture gives a good sense of scale... I think it's the first time I've drawn myself Dragon next to a humanoid figure.. and yes that is about how large I am.

Finished Work
20y236d ago
Other Work By @lynne

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