Jessica Dubridge

Bloodlet Sentinal
Bloodlet Sentinal by @Kellendraysia (Jessica Dubridge)

A design for one of the creatures found on the world of Solaetyr, a world of my own creation. It started out as a basic sketch that I had floating around in my purse and developed into this particular design.

I would like to thank Akarui, a friend of mine over on DA, for giving me the idea to write up statistics of my critters.

::Basic Statistics::

Name: BloodLet “BloodLetter” Sentinal Classification: Runner/Leaper Species: Narcania Sub-Species: Equitis Family: Mammalian Height: Shoulder 2’-5’ Head 4’-8’ Length: 8’ – 36’ Weight: 200 – 1200lbs Speed: 35-45 mph Diet: Carnivore Life span: 45-90 years Element(s) : Light, Blood, Steel Attribute(s) : Protection Description: The BloodLet Sentinal, more commonly refereed to, as the BloodLetter is one of the largest of the Sentinal breed. Originally created as Protector, the origin of the BloodLet is unknown, the mutation beyond its original genetic creation has left many scientists baffled, making the BloodLet a confusing creature to classify as a species since its original creation documentation had been destroyed. Research is still being conducted to try to find the original genetic hosts for the BloodLet; the only solid information that has been discovered is that the BloodLet was created 10,056 years ago. Only 56 years before the coming of the “Fall” and the “Rise of the Deamoniac Hordes.”

Noted to be ferrous protectors that can be as kind as they are cruel, they bond well with their protectorate families and larger members of the breed if treated with respect will accept a rider, protecting them with undying devotion and providing a loyal companion. BloodLet Sentinals are highly intelligent, sporting a large cranial housing for well-developed brain. They tend to take orders well, but will complete them the best way that they see fit if it does not feel safe, or can puzzle out a better way to accomplish its task.

BloodLet Sentinals have a lithe, muscular, almost feline frame build for running and leaping. Wide, heavy paws with long sharp talons give the BloodLet a small advantage of loose gravely surfaces. Not all BloodLets have a distinctive tail blade, thought it is very common to see. Those BloodLets who seem to be missing a tail blade develop a hard, flexible metallic coating over the last three foot of its tail. BloodLets are covered in very short, velvet soft pelt that is very supple almost like skin. Both male and Female BloodLets have a mane, which will part either to the left or to the right. This mane grows long on the dominant part side with shorter mane growth on the non-dominate side. Both mane and pelt range in a wide variety of colors from the purest whites to the richest blacks.

The most unusually aspect of the BloodLet Sentinal is that it has no eyes. What is even more of a mystery is the BloodLet is found throughout the world, in both light and dark environments. Though BloodLet have no eyes the apparently “see” very well. The distinctive pitting of the BloodLet’s are dedicated to auditory and heat sensors. These smooth concave sensors can be shifted from full auditory to full heat sensors at the will of the BloodLet, depending on its environment. The sensor pattern varies from BloodLet to BloodLet.

Beyond the olfactory and heat sensors, BloodLets smooth cranial cavity houses a sensitive melon sheath between cranial plates over the brain, effectively used as a sonar receptor. BloodLets use a wide variety of sounds, from soft chitters and growls, to beautiful yet eerie, melancholy songs, depending their activities. It is speculated that the two, small hollow horns are also dedicated in some way to the BloodLets sonar, but that has not been proven.

This species has what is considered three pairs of false eyes, which in fact are BloodLet’s olfactory sensors, giving this creatures a highly developed sense of smell. The third pair of nostrils is actually dedicated to Pheromone detection.

There are only a few visual differences between male and female BloodLets. It is typical to find more sensory pits upon female BloodLets, then on males. Males are slightly larger then females at the shoulder and in length usually only by a few inches, And males also bare a distinctive penis sheath.

Finished Work
15y110d ago
Other Work By @Kellendraysia

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