Anke Wehner

Teravor for Kuroiyousei
Teravor for Kuroiyousei by @Anke (Anke Wehner)

An image drawn for the Monthly Random Character Art Exchange I run at LJ - http://community.livejournal.com/mrcaex/

It was an "adoption", meaning Kuroiyousei, the character's owner, had not received art from the person who originally was assigned to draw for her.

The idea came up with a bit of free associating: There was some messing with potions mentioned in his description, and since the concept with the huge bubbling cauldron is a bit silly in my mind, I chibified him, because I think chibies or other cartoonyfied versions lend themselves more to silliness.

Inked outlines, marker colouring... white ink only used for the highlights on his eys, if I remember correctly... on 160g/m² bristol paper postcard (also known as "filecard" - yay for cheap canvases)

Finished Work
15y131d ago
Other Work By @Anke

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