Lauri Jurvanen

 In the most frigid reaches of the continent, lay a citadel nestled on the side of a mountain. Inside it’s as harsh as it is on the outside for it was a prison reserved for the most dangerous enemies to the kingdom. A former Hunter known only as Jacoby was one of it’s many inmates, sentenced because of his attempted assassination of Her Majesty The Queen Remoda III. Although patient in his hunts, he also had a mercurial side to him. Many have speculated that due to the Kingdom’s inability to mount an effective response to the Qurio crisis early on, his failed assassionation was likely politically motivated in nature.

One morning, Jacoby was looking outside the window like usual when he heard the locks of his jail cell door being disengaged. Standing up and facing the door, he noticed it slowly opening to reveal a Felyne dressed in the official prison messenger uniform consisting of a blue vest with gold trimmings and a white shirt made out of silk, accompanied by two human guards.

  • Good morning, inmate DF-294A. Your presence is requested for an interrogation. The Felyne messenger said.

  • Well, it certainly has been a while. I wonder what Inquisitor Pomari has in store this time… Jacoby wondered.

Following the Felyne and the guards in chains, Jacoby was led down a spiral staircase and past a window overlooking the Execution Arena where condemned inmates are pretty much left to suffer a painful death courtesy of specially trained Monsters, most often a Nargacuga or a Zinogre. The Queen and her Congress have tried (and failed) to put an end to this barbarous practice only for these attempts to be overturned due to Inquisitor Organization’s relative independence to the rest of the Kingdom’s political system. Arriving a the interrogation chamber, Jacoby was motioned to sit down. At the opposite end of the table was his assigned interrogator Inquisitor Pomari as usual, setting aside some papers in front of him.

  • So, what is the reason you have summoned me here, Inquisitor?

  • To really gain insight on your methods that fateful day, inmate. Pomari replied. Let’s start from the beginning. I understand that during your hunting career, you picked up plenty of tricks, am I right? According to my reports, a particularly favored tactic of yours was to acquire wailnards and use it’s cry to attract Monsters to fight against one another while you watched from afar. Whoever became the weakest would subsequently become captured by your team. From this, I gather that you’d rather avoid getting your hands dirty.

  • To a degree yes.

  • And it would seem that it also played a factor in what I presume was a very devious attempt at Her Majesty’s life: planting and setting off a Poisontoad near her in hopes that she would succumb to the fumes without anyone noticing. Fortunately you were captured before you would have done the deed.

  • Yeah, not my proudest moment I’m afraid. I know this Kingdom is many things but the abysmal response to the Qurio incident meant that I had to take action. Sure, you were able to slay Malzeno and later on Gaismagorm with a little help from a Kamura Hunter but by then, the damage was already done. Chaos and dissent has already taken root in minds and hearts of the subjects and if there ever was going to be someone to perform a coup, it would’ve had to be me.

  • Yes, I concur that it was a very unfortunate period in our kingdom’s history but…

  • But what?

  • I beg your pardon?

  • It’s always like this with you, isn’t it? You stay comfortable in your castles and such while the common folk gets to suffer. Sure, you might have had Hunters and messengers trying to keep things under control. But face it, you don’t care about anyone but yourselves. Jacoby said with a smug tone while leaning back in the chair.

  • Looks like you got quite the bone to pick. Now listen here inmate. You better choose your actions and words carefully or we might have no choice but to queue you up for execution.

  • Alright, alright, you win. Jacoby said in a resigned tone - But I will tell you this, someday the people of this Kingdom will know everything about this dirty little secret of yours.

  • Yeah, good luck doing that when you’re sentenced here for life.

  • The interrogation time has ended. Inmate, please follow me back to your cell. The messenger Felyne called out.

Jacoby rose from the chair and begun making his way back to the cell but not before making one last glare at the interrogator. His career as a Hunter has gifted him with a keen sense of observation and if there’s a weak point he can use in order to make his escape, he will use it. Arriving back at his cell, Jacoby quietly retreated into a prayer.

A Hunter in a Pickle by @BronzeHeart92 (Lauri Jurvanen)

A tale of one Hunter who was jailed upon turning rogue.

Teen (V)
Finished Work
321d14h ago
Other Work By @BronzeHeart92

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