Silver Pixi

Refined Vampire
Refined Vampire by @pixieangel (Silver Pixi)

This is Alexander Dark, who has made an appearance in only two other pictures here at Side 7. Yes, Alexander is a vampire, and is very refined, though not your conventional type. He does not shy from light or religious symbols nor does he only have to feed from animal or human blood. He can see his reflection and holy water does him no harm...

Alexander speaks no lies, only the truth, though he might hide a bit of the truth from you if he so pleases. His blue eyes are meant to hypnotize if he wishes and his words are always spoken smoothly and softly. This vampire is not cruel by any means, but when he does not feed for some time, his mind becomes warped and he tends to try people's patience to see what makes them tick, sometimes ending it in utter chaos...

Finished Work
20y155d ago
Other Work By @pixieangel

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