Liz Ramirez

Liz's first SATAM Sketches for 2003
Liz's first SATAM Sketches for 2003 by @LizSama (Liz Ramirez)

And to show i'm not all non-official in this update, i present you with a sketchpage i did of some SATAM Sonic characters. Ah, theres a story pretty much to each one, lemmie begin:

1> Middle Sonic w/no hands - People may recongize how familiar the face is. You see, i've come to notice i haven't drawn REAL sonic eyes in a long long time.. made me sad. So i tried to look at images and see if i can duplicate them. After many torn papers and profanity later i ended up at least being able to semi-successfully do them once more. Instead of completely ripping off the Sonic picture, i decided to slap that face on a different body pose. w00t! So, why no hands right? I couldn't think of any good pose for 'em.. Then my boyfriend comes along and goes "it's FLASHLIGHT HANDS!! BSsssssSSSseeeooOWWww!!!!" (apparently as i was sketching him i ended up drawing lines around his gloves that looked like beams of light.) and makes me all huffy and horrified. GG Simon!

2> Sonic w/folded Arms - Sketch of a more "Old Skool Sonic Team Sonic" ... I think he's kinda cute.. with his "Yeah..so?" expression.

3> Sonic running and winking - More of an Art Mawinny (i know his name is typoed..i'm just too lazy to look it up!) style. Seems kinda cute though..Archie Comics once had some good artist.. why oh WHY did Ron Lim have to exist?! >.<

4> Detached floating Sonic Head - OMG!!! RUN!!1111111 HE HAS BEEN SEVERED FROM HIS B0dy!! WTF!!

5> Snively - my very VERY first Snively picture. Eh, I got alot of practicin' ta do. 'specally since i wanna draw that f00 a bit more often. Ah, i drew this because i was thinking about Ali and Kris and all the neat stuff they do to poor Snively. I'm still happy i get the "You are the SATAM Snively" result in that "Which Snively Are You?" test! w00f! w00f! w00f!

6> Robotnik Head - I ate some fatty chicken that night.

7> Insane Gun Carrying Sonic - This is my style Sonic. Quills like the original, torso of the SA style and ALWAYS looking insane or angry or evil. Ah, story behind him is me trying to see if i can still draw him like that... success! i guess. So, Sonic has a gun, this isn't anything new.. I mean J.Axer's drawn ALOT of sexy images of Sonic shooting Tails or Knuckles with guns and cursing about his nuts getting crushed by various heavy objects.. Damn, i love Axers work.. ...uh.

I was going somewhere with this.. Eh, whatever. Sonic has a gun and he's looking insane because YOU tried to take his Ring. You don't mess with his god damn RING. YOU DONT FR1CkiNG MESS WITH TEH RING0rZ!!11tetgsggs...

Phew, it's too late to be writing up descriptions, I'm going to bed.

Finished Work
21y151d ago
Other Work By @LizSama

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