Jen Philpot

The World
The World by @Jocarra (Jen Philpot)

"The World... This word means two things to me..."

The assignment

My finished art project. The assignment? Create a large-scale drawing inspired by a piece of writing. My inspiration? A precious letter/poem written to me by my boyfriend. Here it has been translated into the context of The Tripartitus and expressed through those characters that so often reflect aspects of my life... as Luke and Jayli, for they are just much like my mate and I are for each other - the World.

My story is a reflection of my thoughts and feelings, pains and passions, and I thought it would make an appropriate medium through which to depict my theme.

The theme

You may interpret it however you wish. However, this image does have an intended meaning... at least for me personally...

What is the World? It's about darkness and light, suffering and enjoyment, hatred and love, loneliness and friendship... Those are concepts touched on by the original poem - now here is where I've added to it: through moving from one to another, through understanding and union, two may become one, yet exist separate and simultaneously. Now, there exists one, the other, and then there is that transcendent entity that is both-yet-neither: three parts to make a Whole. One tripartite symbol.

3x4 feet on paper. 19.

Characters, story, and concepts © Jen Philpot (The Tripartitus).

Finished Work
18y80d ago
Other Work By @Jocarra

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  • Heavy Critique - A serious analysis of this work, with emphasis on identifying potential problem areas, good use of technique and skill, and suggestions for potentially improving the work.
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