The Wizard Of Zaar

Shammarim warriors
Shammarim warriors by @The-Wizard-of-Zaar (The Wizard Of Zaar)

This drawing is was an absolute act of chaos, like the Shammarim themselves. New markers are decent, bit harsh on the paper though.

These are typical examples of Shammarim fighting men. The Shammarim to this day are known for their courage and strength: large and fierce warriors with a diverse array of weapons and attitudes towards armour.

Men like these are becoming an endangered species, as they endlessly battle with the Kadarim across Avram for the sake of their country. Though the warriors of the Shammarim are big, brave and brawny fellows; they typically come off second best against the superior speed, skill and sheer fearless fanaticism of the killing men of the Sargari.

The Shammarim were once the most feared and famed warriors of Avram, organized soldiers of great military dynasties, whom pillaged and enslaved as they cut swathes into old Lefar and later taking the fight to the up and coming Eym... Now they desperately fight to keep their families and neighbours from having their homes and lands usurped from them.

For strange, new warriors dominate the battle fields of Avram.

The brutish bandits, mercenaries and slavers of the Shammarim were once the bane of the early Free Republic; the world outside the walls of Kymar were a dangerous and scary place with these wild warriors roaming the entirety of the East. Conquering and enslaving at their pleasure.

But there are no more vengeful and ferocious a people than the Sargari.

When the first generation of Kadar in Avram had produced the second and third generations of their kind; the warlike tribes and petty kingdoms of the Shammarim would fall to the hateful, rapid blades of Sargari fighting men.

But the Sun Rises again, and the Shammarim nationalist organization known as the Rising Sun has built itself into a formidable force by adopting lessons from the Free Republic of the East. Imitating it's logistics, modernizing their armies by equipping and training themselves for the new age of gun power warfare; drilling infantry in musketry, training their own cannon crews and officers.

The Rising Sun has even imitated what it can from the Kadar; implementing policies of running battles and feint retreats. Adopting the hit and run and stealth tactics of the Kadar: shaping their men into soldiers and killers first, banning personal looting and outright banning alcohol whilst serving in the organizations forces.

Rising Sun soldiers are also provided with uniform weapons and equipment based on their duties.

Beginning to more closely resemble the professional soldiery of their ancestors. Though the art of Shammarim swordsmanship is on the decline; knives, clubs, pikes and musket stocks have quickly become the norm.

Swords are now seen as a symbol of rank, rather than a practical and necessary sidearm in this new warfare.

Rough / Concept
211d10h ago
Other Work By @The-Wizard-of-Zaar

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