Amiral Aesir

Vaine recherche
Vaine recherche by @AmiralAesir (Amiral Aesir)

Vain research

The whole city laid in shambles, like a giant's toys strewn across the land in the most careless manner possible. The snow covered most of it, but she knew how it had looked like, back when... how it should look like, a peaceful hometown, their hometown. The snow also covered any trace of where Fox Arès might be, but he can't be hiding from her, or... She refused to follow that thought. It can't be. No. It can’t be… Her throat was long since rough from the cold, cold wind, biting down through her flesh to the very core of her being, but she simply couldn't stop calling out for him. Her feet had gone numb god-knows-when, her hands were stiff, as was her face... Something like a bird's remains dangled from a lamp post. It took her a while to realize it wasn't moving with the chill winds like it should. Maybe there was?... But no, it was just a piece of the former light source. Depris creaked under her feet, noise dampened by the snow, or maybe it was her bones... Which must be frozen by now, she thought. She dragged on, there was no giving up. He must be around next corner, or over there... Where are you! Fox! I know you're here! You can't have died, you... I... Where are you...

The scene takes place during Cursed II's part, some months after Arès' death, when Bothan shortened his life. I have great sympathy for her for some reasons...

Kiléo Vanessa © Amiral Aesir Comment by anbessa

Lined the 25th February 2009. Watercolors the 27th February 2009.

Finished Work
15y61d ago
Other Work By @AmiralAesir

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