Fred Richards

THE MOB RULES!!!! by @furloph (Fred Richards)

Close the city and tell the people that something's coming to call Death and darkness are rushing forward to take a bite from the wall, oh

You've nothing to say They're breaking away If you listen to fools... The Mob Rules The Mob Rules

Kill the spirit and you'll be blinded, the end is always the same Play with fire, you burn your fingers and lose your hold of the flame, oh

It's over, it's done the end is begun If you listen to fools... The Mob Rules

You've nothing to say Oh, They're breaking away If you listen to fools...

Break the circle and stop the movement, the wheel is thrown to the ground Just remember it might start rolling and take you right back around

You're all fools! The Mob Rules!

Ok, so here is the finished mech. After painting the metal bits, I washed the living crap out of it with Black Ink. Once that was kinda dry I began to drybrush chainmail (if I have silver I will go back over it with that paint and dry brush that color on for a more chromed/shiney metal look) added some gold highlights to the radar peice on the head and runic viking crap on the hatchet. Then I added the red to the eyes, and as an after thought I went and put two red jewels in the groin skull's eye sockets and I was finished. All thats left is basing and painting the base.

Finished Work
16y122d ago
Other Work By @furloph

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