Rollee Bitterblossom

To the kids of Piedmont, the shareholders meetings were one of the worst days of the year. On these days, large groups of important individuals, including the mayor of Lecton, would gather in Piedmont’s facetious meeting rooms. This was of course mostly a way for Godwin to show off his success but, more importantly, keep up his facade to the public.So the normally idle caretaker would march through the factory on the days before to personally whip his workforce into shape. During these days the kids would be put to work nonstop, sometimes even without sleep to make sure everything was perfect. The adult overseers were also forced into these overtime hours, making them angry and irritable which they would ultimately also vent on the kids. On the day of, the abused and exhausted children were expected to be on their absolute best behavior with even the slightest misstep resulting in truly cruel punishments afterwards. Worse yet was if the meeting did not go well. Then the kids could expect their lives made into an even worse hell till Godwin’s ire settles.

Such were the emotional scars of these meetings, that they have manifested even in their afterlife. These meetings happen twice a year, on the second monday of January and June. Isaac, Sarah, Billy, and Eugene are always present as is usually Chris. Often times Rheena, as Billy’s right hand is also awake; as are Alison and Allen to back Eugene. Aside from them, the presence of a few random children is also not uncommon. Though they do not all like each other, the group begrudgingly take advantage of this twice a year opportunity when they are all awake at the same time to talk. This often devolves into the screaming and threatening of each other as vitriolic rivalry boils over into uncontrolled hate, though Isaac’s presence guarantees nothing ever actually becomes violent.
That said, every once in a while a topic will be brought up that demands everyone’s attention. The most urgent of these are any immediate threats to Piedmont; perhaps the city of Lecton is planning to demolish the factory again or perhaps Piedmont has had more tourists than normal this year and actions need to be taken to… protect their privacy. More difficult are the updates on individual ghosts; one or more amongst them are starting to show signs of breaking, losing their minds to the madness and an intervention may be necessary. However, sometimes, when the grip of madness loosens, they manage to muster the mood to reminisce on their former or even current life. To talk, to joke, and maybe even to laugh like the children they once were. Sadly, these meetings are brief, rarely lasting even 20 minutes before being cut short as they suddenly flicker out like candles one by one.
Life in Piedmont: The Shareholders Meeting by @rollee (Rollee Bitterblossom)

When most people think of ghosts they imagine white sheet ragged specters that can fly through walls. The ghosts of Piedmont aren’t exactly like this. While active, they can be indistinguishable from a living person; drabber in color and cold to the touch but, at least at first glance, easy to mistake as just a particularly dirty or unhealthy child. For the most part the restraints of the physical world still loosely apply to them. These kids still have lives in all but the most literal sense.

If you liked this story and found the Factory of Madness interesting I have a group where I store the art and stories. Here

The image for the cover art can be found here

Teen (O)
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88d1h ago
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