The Wizard Of Zaar

The Kadar
The Kadar by @The-Wizard-of-Zaar (The Wizard Of Zaar)

The Kadar.

Though the Stratikion of the Republic of the Free East are far better trained, equipped and disciplined than their counterparts in the Kingdom of Lykon to the West, or even the fierce tribal warriors of the Shammarim...

It is the Kadarim who are the elite shock troops and soldiery of the Free Republic of the East, one of several important contributions the Sargari make to that nation. They are also religiously devout and are avid students of the Ranyin.

Whilst the lay Sargari man is ferocious, skilled in brawling, martial arts and bladed weapons.

The Kadar possesses a ferocity and fearlessness above and beyond the every man of his people. He is an unparalleled fighter, a master in the Sargari martial art Kadryka. He is a bladesman of no equal and surpassed only by the Vesras. He is quick, stealthy and agile; excelling in violent fast paced skirmishes, reconnaissance, assassination, pushing of pikes and vicious street fighting. He is the lesser clergy of the religion of Agra; loyal, subordinate and submissive to the Vesras. He slays his enemies during day and night, he is a ferocious and horrific combatant in open battles and a harsh but just keeper of the peace in kind.

Sometimes his face is concealed in a mask of black bandage wrapped around his head, revealing only his cold, callous blue eyes. Sometimes he sports his face and beard menacingly for all to see.

But he is only seen when he wishes to be seen, heard only when he wants to be heard coming. Some Kadar learn the arts of musketry and artillery, but he is always a soldier of bladed weapons above and beyond any contemporary method of warfare.

He is a zealot who fears only Agra and welcomes death, for death to the Sargari is gateway to blissful nothingness, freedom from existence.

He slays the fighting men of Avramites and Eym alike with ease and without mercy, he slays the dreaded Komen of the Yashan without hesitation nor respect, and denies them any form of dignity or ease in their dying.

Whether he wields dagger, katar, long knife, sword, axe or spear... He is blindingly quick and dexterous, being incredibly difficult to land blows upon and landing his own upon foes with precision, speed and lethality.

To be a husband of a Vesra is one of the highest honours he may attain.

During peace time, they help in the policing of the Free Republic of the East. They patrol the roads, wilderness and borders of the nation; clashing with criminals, bandits, Shammarim slavers from remote areas and most importantly - They are constantly skirmishing with the fearsome, organized and ever growing Shammarim nationalist movement; the Rising Sun.

Where he meets the modern armies of Eym/Lykonnian's with stealth, deception, brute and atrocity.

It pales in comparison to how the Kadar deal with the mighty, brawny fighting men of the Shammarim and other native Avramites. For the Kadar can only abide by the laws of his own religion when facing such a violent and brutish foe; the Kadar will not slay nor harm child, nor violate the women of the enemy.

But he will torture and mutilate the men among his enemies with joy and enthusiasm, he will slay them as if they were animals. If the Kadar is in need of food, he is allowed to consume the flesh of the Yorjar (Non Sargari) enemy as his religion permits him to.

It's said that when the Kadar fights against the likes of Eym or another civilized nation, he does so lawfully and with courtesy. But against warriors such as the Shammarim, any Sargari man will fight them as fiercely and with the same cruelty approaching levels that he would against a Yashan.

The women of the Shammarim often will bare their breasts to or confront Kadar completely naked in order to make them avert their eyes and withdraw from what they see as indecent... To allow their men to flee or gain the upper hand in combat. Though if an adult Avramite woman raises fists or picks up a weapon against a Kadar, she will be treated as a combatant like any other.

As magic is inherent within the Yashani people, it is also inherent within the Sargari; albeit in a characteristically secretive and subtle way. Sargari are naturally quicker, more dexterous and sneaky than other people's; however the Kadar and other clergy of Agra take this to new heights. Many religiously devout and hardened Kadar will unlock a kind of telepathy; one that allows them to communicate silently, over great distances in thought. This ability will work on a varying degree and more so over great distances between such enlightened Kadarim. However when a Vesra is involved; communication is long, clear and potent. Kadar are able to mentally have short conversations with familiar Vesras in such a way. Mental images are also shared in the aforementioned clarity.

A few remote and distant scattered bands of Kadarim are often able to use telepathy to coordinate and communicate over long distances coherently if there is a Vesra within close enough proximity between all of them.

A magic of the Sargari being able to sneak and blend in, to be unseen, unheard and unnoticed is particularly potent among Kadar and Vesras. With being able to become completely silent and invisible a standard skill of a Vesra; many Kadar can do so to varying ability.

Often an enemy scanning a horizon can not notice a Kadar if he is partially covered and remains still. Kadarim are said to be harder to see in dim light and themselves seem to see well in the dark. Many accounts of those who have survived ambushes from Kadarim will tell of how they approached silently, and charged quietly; striking in an unceremoniously rapid and savage many blows before their foes even suspect an assault.

Rough / Concept
227d1h ago
Other Work By @The-Wizard-of-Zaar

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