Miguel Castaneda

Go Nagai Land
Go Nagai Land by @migucast (Miguel Castaneda)

At the end of June, Nadia and I are going on a big, expensive two week trip to Disney World which we haven't been to since I proposed to her over ten years ago. And we hadn't been back because in the last decade, we were always too short on money to take proper vacations. Of course, last year, we took a week long cruise and this year we're going to Disney and we're even staying ON PROPERTY! Nadia is used to that sort of thing from when she went with her mother when she was little but my family was always too poor for that so we always stayed at the cheapest dives in Kissimmee....

Anyway... Nadia has been planning every inch of the trip for the past month or so and essentially making me study every inch of all the parks with her. And while doing that, the idea for this picture came about. You see... While I'll enjoy most any theme park trip, Disney and I have not been on the same wavelength for a very, very long time. Not counting the Pirate of the Caribean movies, I haven't really cared for ANYTHING outside of Tron and the Black Hole since the second season of Gargoyles was on TV since it was so DAMNED GOOD and Un-Disneylike (graphic violence, blood, partial nudity, and swearing in a day time Disney Cartoon?! Why did you stupid Mouseketeers SCREW it up?!! ;_; ). Anyway... So I thought... A theme park built around the works of Go Nagai.... It would be the single bloodiest, perverted, nakedest, and funnest place on EARTH! XD I actually sat down and dreamed up all the "lands" in the park and everything but.. I didn't write it down and I forgot most of it pretty quickly. I can't help my short memory.

As you can see, taking the place of Cinderella's Castle at the center of the park would be the Photo Atomic Research Institute which you can walk through and tour the underground hangers where the Mazinger Team is kept. At least once a day, a big, mock robot battle breaks out with giant animatronics freaturing Mazinger Z and one of three randomly chosen enemies. Today's featured victim is Garuda K7. Which is about to be punched in the FACE. XD How does that work exactly? I have NO idea! Don't ask me! I don't have a Fungineering Degree yet! XD

You can see the fake Mt. Fuji on the left (yes, we know, I can't draw mountains to save my life) and on the right, denoting Horror Land is the giant icecap that is the headquarters of the demons. Probably a roller coaster of some kind.

And just like Disney, poor penniless folks in costume patrol the streets for photo ops and improv performances. Yup! Boss and his gang, Devilman, Cutey Honey, Baron Ashura, even Siren (who is essentially naked but she's not defenseless--the Iron Mask Legion who are actually a lot better trained than they appear in Mazinger and right there in the picture as well, stick close to the actress and are completely willing to hurt anyone who tries to cop a feel or anything) stroll about randomly greeting or scaring park goers all day long. XD

And now, if you'll excuse me, I'm going to go back to singing along with Bokura no Mazinger now. XD

Mature (N)
Finished Work
15y110d ago
Other Work By @migucast

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