Al Gonzalez

AitRW - Santa Monica Beach
AitRW - Santa Monica Beach by @JesterAG (Al Gonzalez)

This is a bit dated, but I'm still quite proud of it for when I drew it. This was my first attempt at 'painting' clouds in Photoshop.

Also, the perspective on the buildings is pretty weird and the scale is a bit off, but overall I'm happy with the final image.

As for where this is, it is a real location. The pier carnival in Santa Monica, CA. It was and still is one of the places I like to go when I need to think and be by myself with the sounds of the ocean and whatnot. For me, there's nothing quite as soothing as closing my eyes and lying down on the beach, just taking in all of the sound.

That is, until a hobo hobbles across the way and a beach cop frisks me for marijuana that I don't smoke, but that's a whole other ball of wax. :p

Finished Work
20y112d ago
Other Work By @JesterAG

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