Juliane Seidel

Aycolén Amaro
Aycolén Amaro by @Koriko (Juliane Seidel)

Wah... the first pic I ever draw of my character Ayco. Well... I start playing him half a year ago, and I love him,... he's such a sweet caharacter. I started drawing him, and now, there is a whole manga finished oO; Well... Ayco is an elf/seraph (black winged angel). He has green eyes, which are like cats eyes and silver hair. Ayco became a magician and thief. He loves stealing things. Heis true nature still isn't a thief, he is an artist with his heart! He's great in drawing, painting, sculptures and copying paintings. You can say he makes money with copy pictures and steal the real ones to make money with it...

Rough / Concept
20y285d ago
Other Work By @Koriko

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