
King Harrod's Haunts (Linework)
King Harrod's Haunts (Linework) by @HereticNinja

Going to want to keep this brief so I'm a really, really, really big fan of the Thief games (Thief The Dark Project, Thief II The Metal Age, and Thief Deadly Shadows) that the Hammer Haunts in the game made quite a profound impact on me that I basically can't help but to make a love letter to the Hammer Haunts by have the two heroes ( Ka Sarra & Antoni) main occupation as Haunt Slayers with their inception eleven or so years ago.

So with that out of the way this is one of the most malevolent creature that roams all of the world in which the two heroes live in. There are many upon many explanations from all over that explain what Haunts are and how they came into existence as well as many other details that explain the origins and overall enmity Haunts have for the living. Universally feared for very good reason as fighting one Haunt is a very bad idea, and fighting two or more is a loosing proposition even for those who take up Haunt slaying as an occupation. Haunts are a everlasting and constant foe that can never be vanquished there are far too many for that to happen. Some notable Haunts that people know existing are the ones lurking in the deep crypts of King Harrod. There are stories floating around form those who thought it wise to enter and sought to plunder the crypts and mausoleums that compose King Harrod's tomb of the many Haunts that were at some point the members of his personal guard. They can tell by the style of uniform or remnants of armor they wear that specifically identifies them as King Harrod's Haunts. After the passing of King Harrod, the newest members of his guard contingent were also made to serve King Harrod by his successor due to their oath of loyalty for King Harrod and were forced to cut their lives short en masse then dumped into the crypt were they reanimated into Haunts and prowl it's depths. King Harrod's Tomb is also rumored to be a resting place of the artifact known as the Chalice of Kings.

268d12h ago
Other Work By @HereticNinja
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