
Anthrax by @Cheeskerz

Already had a description for this guy, but i've decided to change some parts

Beneath this knight's dark and strong carapace(which can slowly regenerate) lies a fragile, but agile flesh with an incredible regeneration. There are times when he sheds his carapace, which he later uses as a material for his weapons.

I have very hard time deciding whether he can talk or not... On one hand, i can't think of his voice, how it would sound. On the other hand, i'd like to think that he can talk, but he just chooses not to. Maybe in rare occasions he mumbles something to himself. (Or maybe he clicks like a Deathwatch Beetle ...?)

(Speaking of weapons, i actually had some drawings of them with their names... maybe i will upload them in a not-so-near future!)

He is very aggressively territorial though

Also ἄνθραξ means coal in greek!

204d22h ago
Other Work By @Cheeskerz

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