V. E. Lehkonen

THOH: Kydre and Kinian
THOH: Kydre and Kinian by @veltzeh (V. E. Lehkonen)

Kydre and Kinian from The Heritage of Humankind. I think I just learned to draw. Drawn in pencil, coloured and smudged with PSP7.

The left one is Kydre Khequarake Gilligan-Thunder and she has violet eyes. The thing on her head is a helmet of sorts. The right one is Kinian Kamahatan Gilligan-Thunder. His eyes are pale blue, and he obviously likes roller-skating. Their hair and eyeballs are black, their organ systems are inverted and they both have the same mutant powers: strong instinctive telepathy, agility, enhanced healing and slight control of electricity. They are almost identical twins and were born on the fourteenth of January in 2090. Kim and Kovetri are their cousins. Their mother Jean Gilligan was a very advanced physicist who worked mainly with transportation technology and astrophysics. Their father Gaiathe Thunder was a software engineer in the same institute for physics.

The Gilligan kids like to play around with skateboards, icehockey sticks and tennisballs. They pass the tennisball to each other with the icehockey sticks while skateboarding on the ramps. Fun, eh? Obviously Kinian uses his roller skates instead of a skateboard, but Kim, Kovetri and Kydre use only skateboards.

Finished Work
19y354d ago
Other Work By @veltzeh

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