Dara North

Four Dolls
Four Dolls by @velvetangel (Dara North)

This is a coloring book illustration for my nieces. Roughed in with a trusty no. 2 pencil, inked in with a fine-tip gel pen. The paper is plain ol' legal-size fax paper.

The dolls featured are: a Peruvian village man (who's been in the family for 50+ years); a Japanese geisha (bought by my father in the 1970s); a little wooden boy (a gift from a friend); and a Japanese infant (one of my mother's childhood toys).

I don't know why, but out of the three doll illustrations I've done, this one has been the hardest. Maybe it's because I always try to out-do myself... Oy!

Finished Work
20y276d ago
Other Work By @velvetangel

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