Criket Ferrin

Leath by @CRIKET (Criket Ferrin)

This is the character based on me. Over time, she sorta became her own person, so there's really no similaity anymore.

She knows the secret of nature, and she uses a sword to...you know...kill stuff.

Here's a story blurb: ..."I can stop any danger," replied Leath, but Mav paused in front of the man's booth. The man grinned eerily. "Monseer, at your service," he said with a bow. "I can sell you horses that will rush you away from the danger of the forrest. Two for only ten gold coins!" Mav smiled. "Good deal!" He turned to Leath. "Want to test them out?" Leath looked at the bent necks of the horses. They leaned over as if their heads were a burden to hold up. She stepped up and gently touched the warm nose of a jet black mare. The mare snorted, and Leath heard the language.....

Finished Work
19y199d ago
Other Work By @CRIKET

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