Charlie Stadele

Troll Girl
Troll Girl by @Crash (Charlie Stadele)

I know this one scanned pretty bad. Porbably 'cause its just a pencil sketch. I'd like to promise to post a better version, but I take for ever to 'finish' a picture...

Um, its a troll girl hauling a cart. There's nothing there to really indicate scale, but she's supposed to be about 9' tall. That'd put her around 800lbs, which I figure puts enough muscle on her to do some serious pulling. The cart is supposed to have some heavy, solid-wood wheels... Y'know, the stereotypical 'rough' construction in fantasy worlds.

I honestly have no idea why I drew this. Still, I think it came out pretty cool. Cool enough. I know its sketchy on some of the details, but I really like the details I did put in...

Well, ya can't start drawing better 'til ya push your boundaries. I'd say this drawing pushed mine...

Rough / Concept
20y210d ago
Other Work By @Crash

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