Cinda 7

There is No Only Black and White
There is No Only Black and White by @cinda7 (Cinda 7)

How cyooooooooote. And jes in time for Valentine's Day. Where Mushi and Akusa come from, the Goodies and the Badies tend to stay away from each other. But after being stuck together for a long time, they grow attatched to each other. It wasn't always that way; at first it was Mushi who had a crush on Akusa, but Akusa didn't want anything to do with Mushi. Eventually, Akusa also puts aside their ways and finds that he truly loves her back. And then they discover that things aren't just black and white; they're not one way or the other. There are some grey. The only hard part is trying to make the other Nekos realise that. That's the problem with most humans. It like, "you're either with us, or against us" kind of deals. Take slash for instance: some people like it, some don't, some (like me) don't care. People are always arguing. "Ewwwww, slash! That's gross, you people are sick!" "But it's love, never get in the way of true love!" But those people who are not with or against say things like "it's just an opinion, it's not like it's going to end the world or anything. Stop making such a big deal out of it. Let the people who like slash, like what they like and you just stay away from it." It's that simple! And I'm one of those people who are neither with nor against slash. So just stop fighting and acting like a bunch of babies and leave each other alone. Hmm, I'm making a good point here. Goes to write it down and share it with the world Artwork © Copyright 2003 Cinda 7

Finished Work
21y117d ago
Other Work By @cinda7

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