B Sanders

Mogami by @fragmented_imagination (B Sanders)

I did this just to satisfy my stupid need to anthropomorphize things. -_-;; This is a result of spending the past week looking at mecha musume pictures and wanting to draw my own pictures. This is what I finally popped out: a mecha musume picture of SE-16 that I posted earlier. I sketched it out, scanned it, and colored it in the bit of free time I had these past few days. I wasn't particularly confident in drawing her armor, so I referenced a few pictures on my computer. The picture would probably look better if I'd drawn the thing completely on computer, but I just didn't have the time for it. There wasn't a whole lot of detail to her, mostly because the Shotoha-class ships are relatively flat. But it's not bad for the first mecha musume I've drawn in years.

Finished Work
12y189d ago
Other Work By @fragmented_imagination

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