Erin Ruiz

+the doctor wil see you now+
+the doctor wil see you now+ by @yami0204 (Erin Ruiz)

Woah, I'm on a macabre art fetish or something. O.o; This is Cedric James Parker, or CJ Parker. You already know him from that cutesy "Cheer up, CJ!" pic I did a couple days ago. You know, the one with the ghost-boy? No? Even so, it just goes to know that he's a brooding Goth boy who wants to be a surgeon when he grows up. ^^; So, here he is all grown up and being a surgeon! XD

I actually did this because the doctors at University Hospital annoy me, thinking they can walk into the street when traffic is coming at them head-on. >.o; That, and tomorrow in physiology lab we do more tests with live human blood. as in, from the students in the class. Prick your finger, place blood on slide/lancet/tube/etc., place that in microscope/centrifuge/BP-thingy/etc., learn crap. Have they any idea of my intense phobia of blood?! I can stand most any living tissue except for blood! Worse yet, it's a freakin' liquid connective tissue filled with a clear liquid matrix and only TWO[2] freakin' types of cells! x.x I shouldn't be afraid of it. I know it's anatomy. It's not gonna bite me. But still... ;-; Blood scares me... Even movie blood (unless I can tell it's cheap blood).

Oh yeah... HAPPY HALLOWEEN!!!11 ^o^

Teen (VO)
Finished Work
19y232d ago
Other Work By @yami0204

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