Aleister Lam

Slayerblade by @aleilam (Aleister Lam)

Slayerblade is the weapon of the protagonist of a short story I've conceived, here's a sypnosis of the story :

This is the sword of Willis Hornett whom in actual fact is the Roman soldier, Longinius. Longinius used a spear to pierced the side of Christ when he was crucified on the cross, the spear was was later came to be known as the Holy Lance. Longinius was immortalised when the blood from the side of Christ drip into his eyes. From the day on, everything he see is red; and he was cursed to see those that he loved aged and died before him. Later he had a vision of Christ telling him that he is destined to forge a sword known as Slayerblade from the melted steel of the Holy Lance.

For centuries he wandered the world in search of the lance which led him to the First Crusade at Antioch in 1098 and then lost it to Charlemagne who won several battles carrying the blessed spear before him. It then changed hand and was in the possession of Frederick Barbarossa as he carried it to the Third Crusade. In Scicily the spear was snatched from Barbarossa; he died not long later and never made it to the Third Crusade. Adolf Hitler was the last historical person to came into possession of the 'Spear of Destiny'.

The Slayerblade was required to severed the evil forces of Vladimir; he was the historic figure Vlad the Impaler who denounced God and committed countless atrocities torturing & killing in the thousands. He was condemned to walk the earth as a demonic-vampire when he impaled his own brother on the Holy Lance.

Lucifer resurrected Vladimir to lead his army of evil vampiric forces into the Apocalypse at the close of the millennium. It eventually culminated at the peak of the reconstructed Tower of Babel (which is build to signify Vladimir's supremacy; not to reach the Almighty as the previous tower was for) at which the final Battle of Armageddon was fought between good(Hornett) and evil(Vladimir). The above story is copyrighted to Aleister Lam. Artwork © Copyright 2002 Aleister Lam

Finished Work
21y326d ago
Other Work By @aleilam

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