ShadowFox Kiyjaeryin

Clash of Spectrum
Clash of Spectrum by @AMS_Lizrah (ShadowFox Kiyjaeryin)

This is a piccy of Kaoru, daughter of the two incarnations or darkness and of the young light incarnation whose parents are Pyrite and Velero. (He has no name...I'm open to suggestions for a nickname! ) These two kids were both experiments created by the shadoweaters as weapons. Kaoru escaped and is currently living with her mother Faye and her father Leareth. The whole experiment thing kind of surprised the two dark incarnations due to the fact that they had no idea that Kaoru existed and they had no hand in her making, other than the use of their dna. Still, Kaoru is their daughter and they're very protective of her...this one took a long time, if only because I kept re-doing it. I'm finally almost happy with the background.

Finished Work
20y169d ago
Other Work By @AMS_Lizrah

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