Criket Ferrin

Diane's More Helpful Misunderstanding
Diane's More Helpful Misunderstanding by @CRIKET (Criket Ferrin)

This goes along with KidK's story, "So I Spent the Day with an Axe Murderer." The bubbles contain exact quotes. Even though this isn't one of the most memorable scenes from the fic, the image got into my head and gnawed at my creativity like beavers. I decided to obey the beavers, and this picture was born.

Hee, look at 'Nny bein' all spooked by Diane's stupidity. There she is in mid-brainless skip.

Those posters in the back were put up by Diane. I just felt like poking at the character a little bit with the "some guy" poster. I've seen many of those around my friend's bedroom. They are usually coupled with the quote, "Isn't he HOT?!"

Eh, I hope I got everything right... It's difficult drawing real people I've never met.

And, once again, I beg forgiveness for the crappy backround, and my poor coloring skillz. I promise to get better.

Finished Work
19y71d ago
Other Work By @CRIKET

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