Cinda 7

Flame Babe Tachi
Flame Babe Tachi by @cinda7 (Cinda 7)

My friends and fans, last night, a tragic experiance befell upon a very good friend of mine. He wanted us to be boyfriend and girlfriend. He was a good friend, but in a way I was only his friend out of fear. He threatened me and harassed me. Maybe it was because he was mentally ill, or maybe he just wanted to get things he wanted very badly. He was killed on September 4, 2002. Some people say he died the day after, but that is simply not true. I heard from the source that he died just before midnight. He didn't even make it to see another day. He was shot twice in the stomach in a church. He was later taken to a hospital in critical condition, but he never made it. One ironic thing is that his mom didn't want the police to hurt her son. Why is it that some police never listen? It's always hard to find good cops these days... I think I knew him better then anyone else in the whole world. I think I even knew him better than he did himself. There is more to this story, but you will hear it in the novel I plan to write. Until I get it published, I'm just going to put it up on the internet on my web site until I can publish it into a book. As for my friend, I know he's in a better place living the fantasies that he always talked to me about and the kind of fantasies that he was so desperate to make into reality. I only wanted to help him. I never wanted it to come to this, but in a way, I knew it was going to no matter what I did. And this isn't the only thing that happened to me this month. Over the weekend, a teacher and a student died. And that student was one of Zan's close friends. That's why I drew the picture "For You, Zan." I can only hope that the sorrow is finally over, and I'm glad I wasn't the one that died, but I pray that I'm not added to the list. I think people should act more quickly when someone has a mental illness like he did. That's one of the reasons why he died! And if I wasn't careful, I probably would've been dead, too!

As for the dragon in the picture, my friends. That is Flame Babe Tachi, the one my friend thought he was "destined" to marry. He was desperate to make her into reality. It was a picture that I drew for him. He liked it. He liked all the pictures that I drew for him. Well, like I used to say to my friend all the time: "I'll try, and that's really all I can do." I did try, and that was all I could do... Artwork © Copyright 2002 Cinda 7

Finished Work
21y276d ago
Other Work By @cinda7

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