Cinda 7

Zorb and Romeo
Zorb and Romeo by @cinda7 (Cinda 7)

Two Irken fancharacters that just popped in meh head one day. Zorb's a really romantic kind of Irken. Romeo takes after him. (Why do you think I named him Romeo?) Welp, anywho Zorb ends up marrying Gaz. (And their kids end up as a mix between Irken and human.) Thaaaaats right! I know Gaz isn't exactly the romantic type, but Zorb has a secret: he's a goth, (when I say "goth," I mean he dresses in black and goes around acting all depressed... like Edgar Allen Poe) but he really doesn't show it. As for Romeo, he's got a really big heart and he'll do anything to protect Zorb or one of his or Zorb's loved ones. Zorb really doesn't get along with other guys because he's not all buff and tuff and a super ego. (I hate super egos...) But Zorb's a real sweet guy and he's extreamly nice and stuff. And he's so CYOOTE! And Romeo ish so CYOOTE! ^-^; Lucky Gaz get's ta marry him! -_- I wish I could find guys like that at my skool. (Yea, that'd be the day!) Artwork © Copyright 2002 Cinda 7

Finished Work
21y261d ago
Other Work By @cinda7

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