Daisy Hunt

Waiting by @Lucky_Ladybug66 (Daisy Hunt)

I am aware this looks quite shippery, especially with Ahiru's legs up like that, but it wasn't meant to be. Ahiru is just her usual, innocent self, and probably doesn't think there's anything wrong with dozing off on the couch in the company of a boy she's come to trust like a brother. Autor looks like he feels awkward, though. Actually they're up waiting for Fakir to come back.

The reason Ahiru's legs are up like that is in truth because they were supposed to be curled up under her and it wasn't working out that way. XD; But it gave me the chance for a more different pose, so I'm pleased. I'm guessing she didn't fall asleep like that, but probably put her legs up after falling asleep. LOL.

And I'm really excited to color this new outfit of hers.

13y316d ago
Other Work By @Lucky_Ladybug66

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