Kris Kitchens

Welcome to My Parlor
Welcome to My Parlor by @Spug (Kris Kitchens)

..said the Spider to the fly. " Mandark grinned cruelly as his ex-partner's struggles were utterly futile. Corruption, malevolence, the lust to control and destroy sparking in those tainted hues hidden behind slants of tinted red glass. Clawed gloved fingers reached out and brushed lightly against Justin's forehead. " You silly Geek. You always were inferior. That's why you choose to flee instead of succumbing to my new way. The only way. Supremacy. You could have been on my arm, but you choose to be a traitor and abandoned our dream.. that was so... " Claws dug inward drawing a red line on pale flesh. " .. unwise of you. " Bottom lip was bitten to the pain. Gimp would not scream. The metal wires wrapped round his thin form were cold, and they pulled at his body making the suspended position agonizing. Masked face was pulled away from those toying fingers. Quick draw of breath. " No.. You abandoned the dream, it was never to be a monopoly, a tyrant. It became Madness. You went insane. You're.." Those mismatched browns narrowed. " ..the traitor Mandark."

" Always so feisty. I missed you. And it's a pity I'm going to have to eliminate you now. " Mandark's eyes, drifted down the length of the smaller geek's captured form. " On my command those restraints are going to rip your pathetic 'hero' personae to ribbons.. but first. " The villains grin took on a perverted curve. His gloved hand snatched Justin's chin and clutched " We're gong to do a little catching up.. have a little fun. Just.. like old times. "

A snippet of the Yaoi crossover fic I'm writing " Mast3ry Squared " Mandark is evil evil evil.. that's not tentacle p0rn.. yet. X)

Teen (O)
Finished Work
21y14d ago
Other Work By @Spug

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