Aquilo Ref
Aquilo Ref by @Eternity9

Slight adjustment to his design. Name: Aquilo Age: 14 Gender: Male Race: Dragon

Magical Element: Ice/Crystal/Light (Pure Hybrid Tri-Elemental)


Aquilo along with his twin sister Aurora(They hatched from the same egg) are one of 4 Tri-Elemental dragons that live in the village, and their parent's couldn't be any prouder, to the point they neglect Aquilo and Aurora's other siblings Snow breeze(Ice), Snowflake(Ice/Crystal) and Whiteout(Ice/Light).

Aquilo is currently considered the classic 'cool and silent' type kind of dragon, though he was more like his twin sister enjoying the extra attention and feeling Superior to everyone, also picking on those he considered beneath him, plus ignoring his other siblings just like his parents do. But suddenly for some reason he has been changing his attitude and now deeply regrets how he has been treating everyone, but doesn't know how to go about trying to gain forgiveness for what he has done so he stays away from everyone and trains a lot, he hopes someday he can make things right, but now he's too embarrassed to confront those he's hurt.

Finished Work
203d12h ago
Other Work By @Eternity9
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