Cinda 7

... And Nobody Knows it But Me
... And Nobody Knows it But Me by @cinda7 (Cinda 7)

I first heard that song in the 7th grade in health when we were doing our suicide unit. Yup, the guy who wrote that song was thinking about killing himself because his girlfriend dumped him. Or, at least that's what I heard. Still, it's a really sad song. (NO! Not the song from the car commercial!) Nny's situation just seemed to fit the song. You know... the was he wants Devi but... I'm sure you all know the reason why Nny can't have her. (That's the trouble with being insane.) And it looks like he's writing something in his Die-ary. (Tee hee... die-ary... that boy has issues!) Yea, I made up that entry. I hope it sounds like Nny wrote it and not me. Apologies for the BG. I tried to make it look like an actual wooden wall, but I failed. I'm gonna hafta get Amelia Stoner to show me how she does her CGs... walks over to her gallery See the pocket knife on the floor? See the carvings on the wall? Wanna know why I did that? Because I felt like it! (In other words, I don't know why I did that, I just did. So don't ask.) I guess Nny's just weird that way. And he can carve what ever he wants on his walls, after all, it's HIS house. I was pretty sad when I drew this. Artwork © Copyright 2003 Cinda 7

Finished Work
21y163d ago
Other Work By @cinda7

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