Jax Bourdeau

Invader Zim Slash!?
Invader Zim Slash!? by @jaxbour (Jax Bourdeau)

Now.. don't get me wrong. I'm a HUGE fan of slash/yaoi.. being openly gay myself.. but there's some places where a line has to be drawn. The coupling needs sustinance.. You can't stick two characters who want to destroy each other and loathe each other together in a sap-tastic relationship.. it's just wrong!

I have to agree with Jhonen on this one.. one hundred percent. Artwork © Copyright 2002 Jax Bourdeau

Finished Work
21y128d ago
Other Work By @jaxbour

Comments & Critiques (11)

Preferred comment/critique type for this content: Any Kind

Posted: Thursday, 19 December, 2002 @ 09:32 PM

Aw, this is really good. I was just looking around and I found your art and I have to say I love it! I enjoy the slash stories too, yes even the Zim/Dib ones. Actually, they are my favorite, though it is very unbelievable. (You have to admit they are better than the Gaz/Gir ones) Anyways, keep up the great work! ~Courtney http://www.side7.com/art/spacwood/gallery.html

Posted: Friday, 20 December, 2002 @ 07:59 AM

passes out from laughing, comes to I'm pretty slash-tolerant, but...the expression on Dib's face... classic! Do a Zim version!

Posted: Friday, 20 December, 2002 @ 11:56 AM

YES!YES! I agree, %100 percent! Those two are NOT in love, they LOATHE eachother! thank u so much for drawing this!!! dances the happy dance with Jhonen

Posted: Friday, 20 December, 2002 @ 07:17 PM

I totally agree. While I don't like sex stories period, Zim/Dib is so out of character it's ridiculous. Nice image too! :)


Posted: Saturday, 21 December, 2002 @ 03:36 AM

heheeee - love it. though I gotta say I love Dib/Zim slash - it's friggin halarious - and the really good authors keep them in char and usually age Dib before anything physical happens.
just laughs at Dib's bugged out eyes

Posted: Tuesday, 24 December, 2002 @ 11:14 PM

I TOTALLY agree with you! I've seen and heard of so much of that garbage, that it's enough to make ME puke! I mean, if the man who made those guys says they aren't gay, then guess what, people?! They're NOT! I believe that if you truly respect Mr. Vasquez, you should stop this inhumanity. The fact that Dib and Zim hate eachother is as plain to see as my love for cats. Besides, Dib's MINE, dammit!! Sorry for being a bit brash there, I am SO glad that somebody out there feels the same disgust.

Posted: Monday, 20 January, 2003 @ 12:00 PM

lol so true... I agree with u & Jhonen.. Zim & Dib are just too much fun as enemies, I couldn't even see them as friends with out being OOC!

Posted: Saturday, 01 February, 2003 @ 08:30 AM

The important aspect of D/Z most people forget IS the very fact that they are adversaries...BUT...the important aspect that is sorely forgotten (particularly by anti-slashers) is the deeper level of connection that Dib and Zim have. Now, I hear you complaining that Dib and Zim CAN'T have a connection, they're enemies. Hear me out-Dib and Zim need each other. Not as lovers, not as enemies, but as two creatures who exist. Dib's race thinks he's crazy, Zim's race thinks he's useless...two aliens from planets that don't want them. When it comes down to it, the only thing keeping them alive, kicking and passionate for life itself is each other. I painted a picture for my muse the other day, a Dib/Zim painting based on Salvador Dali's "Cannibalism in Autumn" (in which two lovers are consuming each other simultaneously...go find it, it's a beautiful painting). Obviously, Dib and Zim are in the same positions. You can interpret this picture as slashy...or not. They consume each other to keep themselves alive, and keep the other alive by that consuming. So, while the basic fluff and angst of D/Z makes my stomach turn (and understand why Jhonen dislikes slash-if that crap was all I was exposed to, I'd probably think I hated it too), the deeper meaning of their pursuit as consensual and healing makes for a beautiful and slightly sad image that remains true to the show.

Posted: Friday, 14 February, 2003 @ 05:53 PM

I'VE BEEN WAITING FOR THIS!!! Can't ppl get it into their heads that those two are worst enemies?! This is exactly how Dib would react. The only thing worse than that cross is... O.O brace yourself... DAGR and DAMR.... sick, no?

-Shain Neumeier and the INSANE robot cat MIDNIGHT!

Posted: Saturday, 10 May, 2003 @ 09:53 AM

yes ZADR make me run screaming from the room some slash i must admit is kinda cute but you carnt just stick anyone together or its very OOC

Posted: Monday, 16 June, 2003 @ 10:33 PM

I agree!!!! i dont see why people do that.. i mean, sure ive done it myself on a few occasions just for experiment (smites self) but that was just for fun, not seriously. its sort of like putting vincent and sephiroth from FF7 together, i mean COME ON!! THATS JUST WRONG!!

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