
'cause I am barely breathing, and I can't find the air
'cause I am barely breathing, and I can't find the air by @Yscaldine (Llewelyn)

Tempo's feelings come to light.

Alternate universe of an alternate universe, because Jet and I are a) hopeless romantics, and b) unable to resist temptation.

More or less, this could be considered a completed image -- if only I were smart enough to leave well enough alone. As it is, I'm not, so I'm slowly working my way around to correcting Tempo's arm. In the current, unscanned version, I made a few minor alterations to the wrinkles on his face, erased a few sketch lines on Ysc's body, and started tightening their outlines.

This is one of the handful of drawings I've done in the recent past that I am still relatively happy with, after several weeks of having it in my sketchbook. Generally, I'm better at conveying emotion through facial expression, rather than body language, so this image was something of a strange breakthrough -- weak as their body language is, it's there.

Pardon the ramble.

Yscaldine character concept, image and art © A. N., 2004.

19y362d ago
Other Work By @Yscaldine

Comments & Critiques (1)

Preferred comment/critique type for this content: Any Kind

Posted: Wednesday, 05 May, 2004 @ 03:23 AM

Ohhh :) how do i envy people able to draw faces like you :) I like the sketchy look of their bodies too :)

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