Chase M. Martin

Liz by @Chase_the_Cat (Chase M. Martin)

Elizabet Diana Ross... that's her full name. Her face speaks her whole personality. Happy and emotional. VERY much so. T_T You wouldn't know it, but it's true. In my little wacked mind where the world might as well be ruled by mutated animals, Lizzy here is almost 4000 years old, and she DID invent gunpowder. What's more, nowadays she invents guns and other weaponry... and she's very good at it. She does not expect it to be used to hurt anyone however. If a terrorist stole one of her guns and used it to attack Los Angelos, her likey reaction would be akin to :

"NOOO! How could they?! This is not what Timmy was built for... it's not his purpose!!! tears"

Yes.... she is VERY strange... She also has a special job on Tuesdays. She works for women's rights-- particurally mutated animal rights. You see, in this world, the male animals don't have to wear clothes... but women do. Liz finds this terribly unfair, and every Tuesday, puts on her birthday suit and protests, screaming "FREEEEEEEEEEDOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOM!"

So yes. I love the pants. They are my favortive part of the drawing, besides the character herself.

Finished Work
17y329d ago
Other Work By @Chase_the_Cat

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