Chase M. Martin

Dancers by @Chase_the_Cat (Chase M. Martin)

Oh wow, it's been forever since I uploaded... ^^; Anyway, in the time that I've been gone... I'll admit. I've become a stark-raving Silvaze (Silver/Blaze) fan. Not to the point where I can't see other pairings like Silver/Amy and SonBlaze and all that good stuff, just... Well, Sonic Next Gen made it for me. It turns out it wasn't quite as awful as I thought it would be. It actually took the games in a wonderful direction on some levels. Much more upbeat than the last couple games. And SILVER. <3 He has stolen my heart. I thought he was going to be a complete Shadow ripoff... and he's not. He's adorkable. ^.^ And hence, he and Blaze just sort of... work together. (Also turns out that he's not working for the devil or anything; in fact, all he wants to do is prevent the destruction of his world by STOPPING the Iblis Trigger. It's just that the info about WHO the Iblis Trigger was was false. So ha.)

Anyway, this is just something I did to work with poses and coloring. And Silver and Blaze, who I love as individual characters and as a pairing.

The end of Silver's story in SNG= WHYYYYYYYYYYY? ;O; I love you Silveeeeeeeeeeer. <3

Finished Work
17y79d ago
Other Work By @Chase_the_Cat

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