Chase M. Martin

Chase T. Mclare: 2005-2007
Chase T. Mclare: 2005-2007 by @Chase_the_Cat (Chase M. Martin)

Two years ago. March 28th, to be exact. At thriteen years old, I was barely becoming interested in Sonic the Hedgehog and the style and characters and storylines. I became interested, in fact, to the point that I created a character: Chase the Cat. And on this day, she was given life on paper for the first time.

...that would be the drawing on the left. Yeah. Not too impressive.

I realized, March 28 2007, two years later, how much this character of mine had changed. Looks wise, personality wise. My own drawing style had dramatically improved. To show this, I did a second-aniversary picture of Chase, scanned it in the computer, and Photoshoped it to that it stood as a landmark, next to the original, showing how far I've come.

...Yes, I'm very proud of my progress in two years. Hush.

Finished Work
16y331d ago
Other Work By @Chase_the_Cat

Comments & Critiques (2)

Preferred comment/critique type for this content: Any Kind

Posted: Tuesday, 05 June, 2007 @ 08:45 AM

It's cathartic and eye-opening to see how much one's art has changed and improved over the years. You've certainly improved quite a bit in two years and I'm sure you'll only get better. I respect you for showing this off - I know I'm too embarrassed to post older art I'm not still proud of.

Posted: Friday, 08 June, 2007 @ 04:59 PM

I suppose that, at least for me, after two years I've come to grips with the fact that my old art is horribly flawed and no longer the best I can do. But I think that it also shows just how much styles can change, and seeing the two designs next to each other only makes me want to get better.

Thank you so much for your comment!

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