Lonnie Evans

Humming Dragon
Humming Dragon by @Furryhart (Lonnie Evans)

Humming Dragons - Draconis Humminous

General information: Humming dragons are rare and little known creatures of the dragon family. They are found only in deep jungles and woodlands, that are filled with wild flowers. Their colors range from various hues of blue, green, yellow and red.

Their hoard consists of various flowers they have collected, frozen in time and preserved by their breath. These flowers can then be unfrozen at a later time to be used as food during the cold seasons. Their breath can also be used to make some very life-like statues out of anyone they consider a danger. Where do you think all those very life-like mannequins come from?

Mating: The male humming dragon is known far and wide as the foremost authority in flower arranging. During mating season these skilled craftdragons arrange their most prized selections out of their hoard around the entrance to their lair to attract a female. They also decorate their nest with the softest and most pleasant smelling flowers from around their territory.

Sound: The humming dragon makes a very peculiar but pleasant humming sound. This sound is produced by the high speed flapping of their wings, and not because they have forgotten the lyrics to their favorite song, although this can sometimes happen.

Finished Work
15y179d ago
Other Work By @Furryhart

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