Sarah Beth

Over Active Imagination
Over Active Imagination by @rui (Sarah Beth)

This was my secret santa for kimisat

She gave a description of herself and I read on her page she loved Disney! I hope you like it KimisaT!! :D

The idea came when I read she was waiting for her Toothless plushie from the Secret Santa sponsor, feathereddragon. From there, I scrounged around for some Disney character (except Toothless)

So, here we go, starting in the upper left hand corner:

Tarzan from "Tarzan" riding Carpet from "Aladdin." Nutsy from "Robin Hood" is sitting on her left shoulder, Toothless from "How to Train Your Dragon" is on her head and Sleepy from "Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs" is asleep on her right shoulder. Peter Pan from "Peter Pan" is flying with Dumbo from "Dumbo." The Mad Hatter from "Alice in Wonderland" is having a cup of tea as Kaa from "Jungle Book" stares at him. Pinocchio from "Pinocchio" playing (and obviously lying) Go Fish with Kuzco from "Emperor's New Groove". Stitch from "Lilo and Stitch" sits and wonders if he has meet Prince Naveen from "The Princess and the Frog." Princess Aurora from "Sleeping Beauty" is taking a nap and Ursula from "The Little Mermaid" is all wrapped up in evil thoughts and the overwhelmed girls arms. Phil from "Hercules" tries to schmooz KimisaT from his spot at her right knee. Skipping in front with her hair trailing behind her is Rapunzel from "Tangled" while Simba from "The Lion King" is ready to pounce Jaq from "Cinderella."


All characters except KimisaT and Toothless are (c) Disney Toothless is (c) Dreamworks.

Finished Work
12y115d ago
Other Work By @rui

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