David Walch

Glimmer Redesign - She-Ra Reboot (Not Netflix)
Glimmer Redesign - She-Ra Reboot (Not Netflix) by @Zentron (David Walch)

As I'm sure some have seen, I am doing my own reboot of Filmation's She-Ra, I started back in 2016, just before the announcement from Netflix that Dreamworks was doing a reboot for them, so I only continued with my own periodically.... however, after actually watching the new She-Ra when it finally came out, I was sorely underwhelmed! Asides from a slight improvement on the animation front, overall, the entire series was bland as shite, writing was terrible, flip-flopping personalities, worse than dumb dialogue and characters who look like they ate the previous She-Ra characters, completely unrealistic, which they told us realism was what they were aiming for.

So, as I was extremely disappoint, I am going to get more underway with my own reboot, the Adora to She-Ra transformation sequence animation is underway, I'll be able to put that up later this new year, but for now, I wanted to introduce another character I have revamped... Glimmer! Colour shading and background are going to be redone at a later date, I did it quickly so I could post it here looking halfway decent! Hope you like!!

Finished Work
5y115d ago
Other Work By @Zentron

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