Yami Chibi Chibi

Sasami Serenity IvyOak & Emma Elysion Ketchum Character Reference

Place of Birth:
Gender Identity:

Name: Sasami Serenity IvyOak (Later have marring Ash it KetchumIvyOak same with Ash now too.)

From: Poke'mon

Sex: Female

Age: 10 to 15 (Whatever Ash's age is.)

Eyes: Pink

Hair: Long Light Blue (Sometime Pupple) PigTails (And Sometime Like Tsunami's Hair Tried in two but going down)

Brother(s): Treacy

Sister(s): N/A

Dad and Mom: Samuel Elysion Oak (Dad) Felina Serenity Ivy(Mom)

Breed: Half Witch (from her mother) and Half Whitelighter (From her father)

Blood Type: O

B-Day: June 30, Unknow

Friends: Ash, Misty, Brock, Treacy, Missy, Chis (Missy and Chis are Brother and Sister) Delia (Ash's Mom,) and Washu.

BoyFriend (Lover): Ash

Children: Emma Elysion Serenity KetchumIvyOak

Poke'mon: Mew, Mewtwo, Articuno, Zapdos, Moltres, Lugia, Ho-oh, Raikou, Suicune, Entei, Celebi, Deoxys, Mudkip, Ralts, Plusle, Minun, Jirachi, Rayquaza, Griudon, Kyogre, Latios, Latias, Regsteel, Regrock, Regice and Absol.

Yami: Wicked Lady, Princess Serenity and Tsunami (Tsunami and Princess Serenity are good and Wicked lady is Bad.)

Story: Sasami jsut travel around with Ash.

Name: Emma Elysion Serenity KetchumIvyOak

From: Poke'mon

Sex: Female

Age: Born to the day her set over on her pokemon trainer.

Eyes: Pink

Hair: Baby form of her hair like Delia and Felina Together. Age of Three look like Felina. Age of Six her hair like Delia and age of 10 her hair like her father Ash (And Emma look like her could be Ash's little sister but her just is Daughter.)

Brother(s): N/A

Sister(s): N/A

Dad and Mom: Ash Ketchum (Dad) Sasami IvyOak(Mom)

Breed: WhitelighterWitch

Blood Type: O

B-Day: August 2, Unknow (Like her Grandfather Samuel.)

Friends: Trey and Marine (Both are Treacy and Misty's Children)

BoyFriend (Lover): She some what like Trey.

Children: N/A

Poke'mon: Celebi, Plusle, Minun, Jirachi and Pikachu (Who Emma Choose from her First Pokemon.)

Yami: N/A

Story: Emma is the daughter of Ash KetchumIvyOak who is the world greater pokemon trainer (note Pokemon Master.) and Sasami KetchumIvyOak who is the top Pokemon researcher in the World (Follow in her parents foot steps.) Her Grandparents love her very mush some the make her feel like her own the world. Emma loved by a lot of people and at the age of 10 she become a Pokemon Trainer like her Father and Mother where. Emma as many adv. and with her are Treacy and Misty two childern Trey and Marine. Emma Love her Grandpapa Samuel most of all.