Miguela D

Misha Dominguez Character Reference

Place of Birth:
Gender Identity:

The Dreamer. Daughter of the Ruler of her Universe. Guardian of the Dreamer-Verse. Leader of the Chosen. Excellent guitar player. In desperate need of a shrink for her severe depression.

Age: 17

Appearance: Shoulder-length brown hair, hazel eyes, tanned skin, 5ft8.

Personality: Was once cheerful, carefree, happy-go-lucky, etc, but after the destruction of her dimension, she became depressed and almost suicidal, blaming herself for everyone's death.

History: After narrowly escaping her dimension's destruction, she and fifty others crash-landed on Ani-Earth, in Arcadia. Only nineteen survived. After finding out her best friend Wedge had died, and that her sister Fiera was missing, she apparently went mute from shock. Recently, her sister was killed, and she met six other people from her dimension, who agree to help her kill the destroyer of her world and murderer of her sister, Luke. Misha's half-brother. The Undreamer.

This story is still in progress. To find out more, goto From Beyond. ^.^