Al Gonzalez

Arthur Masterson Character Reference

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"To believe that a force other than yourself determines where you end up in life is both foolish and irresponsible." -Arthur Masterson 2150 CE The main character of a video game concept that has been tweaked over four years called 'LEGENDS.'
ABOUT THE CHARACTER He is a tortured half-elven soul, living that life between humanity and the 'divine' elves. His life is too long to fit in with humans and much too short to relate to his elven brethren. This has caused him to withdraw within himself at an early age. His parents were also killed while he was attending college, which obviously didn't help the situation. A former Christian, Arthur has forsaken his religion and God in order to make himself more self-sufficient. In the LEGENDS story, he serves as both a messiah (The Hebrew word for 'Warrior King') and an archangel of sorts. He was born with immense magical power and is constantly fighiting the demons inside of his mind, trying to decide if he should help save the world or return it to the void it came from. ABOUT THE STORY In a nutshell, LEGENDS takes place in a future where the Roman Catholic Church is again a huge political powerhouse and most of the world is a follower. A biblical apockalypse is growing near, and Arthur is the key to the survival of the world. The drama plays around Arthur trying to find his meaning for life and finding out that things he was taught in Sunday school were gross misconceptions about how to live and find spirituality. THE PURPOSE 1. To dismantle all of the propoganda surrounding the most popular mythos in the world, Christianity, and explore everything that you won't learn from a religious official. 2. To provoke the audience of this story to think about how they can set aside thier differences and try to be better people to one another and thier world.