
(The Elder Scrolls) Jisu Character Reference

Species: Khajiit (Suthay)
Birthday: 4E, 13th of Midyear, 171
Age: 30
Place of Birth: Cyrodiil, Leyawiin
Height: 5'0''
Weight: 200 lbs
Orientation: Gay
Gender Identity: Trans Man
Pronouns: He/Him/His

The year is 201 of the fourth era. The dragons have returned, and rumor has it that so has the dragonborn, the only one that can take down these beasts and return them to the flow of time...

This person is not Jisu.

Jisu is a wanderer, and spends his time searching for anything he hasn't seen, smelt, or heard. He finds himself in Skyrim during the Dragon Crisis, a ripe opportunity for experience.

Jisu is a Khajiit of the Suthay furstock, born when Jone and Jode are new, on the 13th of Midyear. He is short and stout, has no visible hair style, has a small stubble on his chin, and upon closer inspection, is covered with scars of many shapes and sizes. He wears protective goggles w/red tinted lenses, usually nestled on the top of his head, a loose-fitting v-neck white tunic, loose, striped pants that cut off at about his mid-shin, and no boots. As for jewelry, Jisu sports a few pairs of golden earrings, and golden bangles around his wrists and ankles. More fitting to the weather of Skyrim, when out in the cold, he wears a long, hooded blue fur-lined coat that reaches his ankles, an enormous blue wool scarf, a muffler, a pair of thick mittens, socks, and heavy boots, plus as many layers underneath as you can imagine.

Jisu has a very faint Ta'agra accent, much less pronounced than his other Khajiiti brethren.

For weapons, he opts to use dual-wielded tantos, daggers, and other short blades. He can also be found using the school of Destruction, but tends to be overzealous with fire.

  • Jisu falls under the Sign of the Steed
  • In game, he usually travels with Lucien Flavius and Inigo, both modded companion characters
  • Jisu is partially blind in his left eye
  • Most of the scars on his lower body are caused from him fumbling fire spells
  • Jisu is based on a black panther






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