star seeker

Raven, Azriel, 'Syses', Henry, and Kherrin Character Reference

Place of Birth:
Gender Identity:

Raven Well, Cornix means 'raven' anyway so it doesn't really make much of a difference....they just call him raven because he captured and tamed a raven while at Bir bridge. Raven is considered dirt in almost everyone's eyes within or outside of the school because he holds the position of a servant. A 'fatherless' 'motherless' servant. He faced much abuse during his years at BB, but never once complained. More or less he'll do whatever he's ordered to do by a higher power (student, teacher, whatever) since he doesn't have much of a mind of his own. Really he doesn't. Until Azriel comes along, and he starts to become deeply 'attached' to her (though she continues to batter and barate him as well), he's sort of like a zombie. However in her care, once he begins to learn about free will and choice, it could corrupt his otherwise pure heart.

Azriel Dimasio She admired her brother because of his rebelious spirit towards thier sociopathic money obsessed father, but what was left of her happiness (not much since her mother died) was stripped away when they were sent to the Bir Bridge boarding school and shortly after, her brother died in an 'accident' so she ends up hating everyone and everything. She's rather abusive towards Raven until she slwoly realizes that yes, he does have a soul....(however by then it could be too late....) which leads to some confusion as to who her heart belongs to since she also has a 'thing' for the rebel future king, Kherrin. A cynicist to the last, and naturally suspicious not to mention a hot head.

Syses His real name being Simon Ses (last name isn't here since i forgot it @@ I mean, you know, can't remember....). A vhampyre (if you want to know the diff. between a vampire and vhampyre, then look under Yatsuni's profile --) who seeks to find a port in the otherwise restless storm called life. Not highly religious, but more so than the others. Whenever he does speak (which isn't too much), it's to say something sarcastic or unusual. They'd say it's all just useless information but Syses actually has an upperhand. When no one else has any clue what's going on, or even when they do...he's always watching....

Henry A 20 or so year old werewolf enjoying life for what it is. Hey, he's a slacker and proud of it. I guess you could call him a hippie or something, well he does do some queer stuff. He takes everyone's safety into concern when it comes to other weres since they aren't so 'open minded' to humans and vhampyre. Ah yes, these bios do indeed wreck of the foul stench of idiocy don't they? Then again, in the words of Harry, 'Dude, there's a light for every dark my friend.' cough minor note here, werewolves (there's another name for them: Lycinfrir or the Sin) technically don't have a definite 'bone structure'. Thus this is what enables them to 'morph' into thier lupine shapes. However, should they wish to do this, the only occasion they can change is when they sleep for at least eight hours to allow time for the body to shift. When the 'werewolf' rests, this triggers certain hormones and nuerogical responses sending the said shifter into a sort of comatic, numbed sleep so pain will register ineffective. It also triggers the process of the bones slowly morhphing into the needed shape while the production of 'hair' all over the body increases, the organs shift thier positions slowly and carefully and the muscles also change. Then, voila, after the eight hours the were awakens. He can stay a wolf provided he doesn't fall asleep, or if he wants he can go right back to sleep and change back to human. Lycinfrir don't need as much rest as humans do; they can go without it for a maximum of five days.

Daquito Kherrin (enter another middle name i forgot --) panthera leo Future King of the Capital (or if you want, simply the king of that particular continent the capital resides in ^^) but.....he doesn't want to be. Actually, he hates it with a crimson passion y'know. So eventually he joins up with Azriel not only to save his royal butt but to also flee the position looming inevitably above him (oo, bad spelling...). Hopefully you're starting to get a bit of his personality...Azriel has a little fling with him for a while but he since he hates everyone (unlike she thinks she does...i think oO) then he doesn't usually return any affection. He's not all....well he's not bad, he's just....self-centered? Gwuah, either way Kherrin is NOT someone to mess with. He'll threaten to kill constantly and sometimes they wonder whether he really does mean it. Overall, Kherriin has a phobia of gods (theophobia? I'm not too sure what the word is) and death/dying (thantaphobia. something like that) so when the job of king reguires you to 'meld' with an immortal you can almost understand him. In a wierd, twisted sense. Hint hint, Kherriin may be a control freak but what he worries even more about than immortals/death is losing his own identity. Wow, you've reached the end of this chapter. Lucky you ^_^;